If you have updated to Xcode 8 and when prompted to convert your source code to Swift 3, there are many migration issues: we examine some of them.


The existing code will need to rename private to fileprivate to achieve the same semantics. In many cases the new meaning of private is likely to compile as well and the code will then run exactly as before.

const – let

In C, developers can control the mutability of these value types by using the const keyword:

const NSPoint p = {1, 2}; p.x = 3; // Error: error: cannot assign to variable ‘p’ with const-qualified type ‘const NSPoint’

In Swift, developers control the mutability of these value types by using let instead of var:

let p = NSPoint(x: 1, y: 2) p.x = 3 // Error: cannot assign to property: ‘p’ is a ‘let’ constant

FIXME – functions added converting to current Swift syntax (edit menu)

// FIXME: comparison operators with optionals were removed from the Swift Standard Libary.
// Consider refactoring the code to use the non-optional operators.
fileprivate func < <T : Comparable>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case let (l?, r?):
return l < r
case (nil, _?):
return true
return false

// FIXME: comparison operators with optionals were removed from the Swift Standard Libary.
// Consider refactoring the code to use the non-optional operators.
fileprivate func > <T : Comparable>(lhs: T?, rhs: T?) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case let (l?, r?):
return l > r
return rhs < lhs

toInt changed to Int

previous Swift versions
destination.nvert = (scene2Label.text?).toInt()

Swift 3.0.1
destination.nvert = Int(scene2Label.text!)

.floatValue changed to Float

previous Swift versions
// xarray[ivert!-1] = (lx.text as NSString).floatValue

Swift 3.0.1
xarray[ivert!-1] = Float(lx.text! as String)!

cancel “bool warning”

previous Swift versions

Swift 3.0.1
_ = [lx.becomeFirstResponder()]

A New Model for Collections and Indices

previous Swift versions
var i = c . index { $ 0 % 2 == 0 } let j = i . successor () print (c[j])

Swift 3.0.1
var i = c . index { $ 0 % 2 == 0 } // No change in algorithm API.
l e t  j = c . i n d e x ( a f t e r : i ) / / A d v a n c i n g  a n  i n d e x  r e q u i r e s  a  c o l l e c t i o n instance.
p r i n t ( c [ j ] ) / / N o  c h a n g e  i n  s u b s c r i p t i n g .

 for statement

previous Swift versions
for var i=1; i<nvert; i += 1 { // old style

Swift 3.0.1
for i in 1..<nvert {

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